Posts Tagged ‘Sister Triangle Article’
Q&A Featuring Deanna Cook
Forward by Victoria Utman Our editorial team wouldn’t be the same without our fantastic Copy Editor. You heard her speak about courage at Sister Triangle Retreat, but we just wanted to give you more! She is an educator with a big heart, a quiet leader in our loud world, and the authority here at Sister Triangle Magazine on all things grammatical. Please put your proverbial hands together for the one-and-only, Deanna Cook! Victoria: This is the most important question, which is why it is first: Coffee or Tea? Tell us why. Deanna: First thing in the morning, I…
Read MoreToo Zoomed In
By Jenn Wallace Now that I am in my forties, I am experiencing more and more phenomena related to aging; recently, I experienced yet another. I was reading the label on a pill container and had to move it further away from me than I am used to in order to read it: too close and the words were blurry. I was a little bit perturbed thinking, “Do I need bifocals already?!” I have since seen my optometrist who says for now I can lift my glasses but the time is coming. I’ve begun to commiserate with friends who…
Read MoreFingerprints
By Bonnie Baxter The sun cast long morning beams through my home’s front door window as I sat at my desk trying to get some work done. I glanced at the wall by the door, and noticed a greasy imprint of a hand, illuminated by the sun: all four fingers and even the palm. At first I felt a flash of exasperation at my housekeeping and that I hadn’t noticed the handprint before. I sized up the length and shape of the fingers to see if I could figure out who the culprit was. But then I remembered the…
Read MoreA Letter Was in the Works
By Jennifer Wallace A letter was in the works. It was there playing hide and seek in my mind for 5 years. After seeing women speak out, I wanted to be that brave. I wanted to own my nieces’ middle names, “Courage,” and “Worth” while still holding onto my daughter’s middle name, “Grace.” So, I went there: I went back 5 years and I opened the wound and I wrote the letter. Alone in the office, in front of the computer, a blank screen. I do not hear anything: not the kids downstairs watching YTV, not John breathing, asleep…
Read MoreBeautiful Ugly
By Jen Wallace When John proposed to me, I cried. It was an ugly cry. In this beautiful moment the woman he was proposing to was sobbing—“So, is that a yes?” he asked. My response to his first question, “Will you marry me?” and the subsequent one was a resounding, “Yes! Yes!” I am still not entirely sure what all my tears meant. Years and memory tend to colour the retelling of events. But I think a part of me knew that he would now have a chance to really know me. He would see it all: the good, the…
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