Forward by Victoria Utman
Our editorial team wouldn’t be the same without our fantastic Copy Editor. You heard her speak about courage at Sister Triangle Retreat, but we just wanted to give you more! She is an educator with a big heart, a quiet leader in our loud world, and the authority here at Sister Triangle Magazine on all things grammatical. Please put your proverbial hands together for the one-and-only, Deanna Cook!
Victoria: This is the most important question, which is why it is first: Coffee or Tea? Tell us why.
Deanna: First thing in the morning, I really do love a cup of coffee. Let’s be honest, I love a cup of coffee any time of the day.
Victoria: How long have you been with Sister Triangle and what is your role with the Magazine?
Deanna: I know I became connected with Sister Triangle in 2000 when I lived in Dauphin. When we were mailing out ST from Dauphin, Marilyn would get a group of women over to help sort the mail-out. And that is when I started attending Sister Triangle Retreat. I don’t really know when I officially came on board- it just happened… I started with helping out: editing, writing, brainstorming, etc. Currently, I am a copy editor for the online publication. After everyone has worked on the piece, I add the commas and catch the minor errors. The cool thing is I get to read some really great work!
Victoria: Can you tell us a little about how you came to follow Jesus?
Deanna: I grew up in the church and attended a Christian high school. I have been blessed to teach in Christian schools for the last 18 years- it’s wonderful when you can blend your faith with your daily work.
I have had many wonderful heroes help push me out of my comfort zone with my faith. When I was 18, I was asked why I hadn’t been baptized- the reason why was I didn’t want to be in front of a large crowd. And one of my heroes arranged that I could be baptized on a Saturday night with just a few loved ones. For many years, I said no to participate on mission trips, because I was afraid. And yet another one of my mentors kept pursuing the question until I said yes. And I found out my life and my faith were so enriched by “going out into the world”.
There are so many others that keep pushing me out of my zone, and I am so thankful for them.
Victoria: If a woman from scripture was to write for the Magazine, who would it be and what would she write about?
Deanna: With my recent studies, I have been loving Mary Magdalene. As an “apostle to the apostles”, I think Mary Magdalene would have a lot to talk about. She didn’t let her status in society hinder her from serving her Lord and God’s people.
Victoria: What does “Encourage One Another in Love” mean to you?
Deanna: Encouraging one another in love sometimes means speaking up and sometimes it means being silent and just listening. Encouraging one another is about living in community together despite differences. Encouraging one another is advocating for the voiceless and speaking out against injustice. Encouraging one another is about being intentional in our actions, words, and deeds.
Victoria: There’s a lot of important conversations happening in our communities right now; equality, reconciliation, safe space etc. How do these conversations impact your faith?
Deanna: We have to realize that faith and justice are not two different spheres. In fact, the social justice issues are the core to the gospel. If we truly believe we were all created in God’s image, then we are required to be intentional in our actions. Becoming aware of the issues is the first step but awareness is not enough. To engage in the issues is to live out Jesus’ command “to love our neighbour”
Last summer, I had the opportunity to serve in Athens. I was working within a unique community made up of Christians from around the world, but also Muslim refugees from the Middle East trying to rebuild their lives in Europe. A highlight of every day was the time of fellowship after classes: coming together for food, conversation and prayer. When it comes to the topic of Islam, many in our culture have a long history of fear and misinformation (as many from the Middle East have similar fears and misunderstandings of our western culture). This exposure to an interfaith community was eye-opening. We could find joy in our commonalities and beauty in our differences. “Loving my neighbour” means loving every one of my neighbours regardless of their race, religion, passport, socioeconomic status, etc.
Victoria: If you had no fear, what is the first thing you would go out and do today?
Deanna: That’s a difficult question. My word for 2019 is “Leap”; to not let fear stop me from my passion and goals. A scripture that keeps popping up is Psalms 112:7: “They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.”
Fear can stop us from doing so many things. But fear fades if we trust in Him. This summer, I am choosing to travel by myself. There are so many places I want to explore, but fear of being lonely and alone has stopped me from travelling solo. But I am choosing to “leap” out “trusting in the Lord”.
More About Deanna
Deanna Cook spent most of her childhood in the Weyburn Public Library and maybe that is why she is now a part of Sister Triangle. Deanna is currently teaching at Harvest City Christian Academy within Regina Public School. When she is not busy with extra-curricular and her “kids” at school, she enjoys curling, planning her next international trip, and hanging out with friends.