Courage Daughter: An Invitation from Andrea Muirhead

Courage Daughter: An Invitation from Andrea Muirhead

I just got back to my office after a lunch date with a friend. We had a little time to kill before she needed to be dropped off at her next appointment, so we went shopping. We were browsing the soap section of a department store when we found shower caps. I suggested we buy matching polka-dotted ones and wear them together when we were in the pool at Ladies’ Retreat.

Dear friends, let me cordially invite you to join us at Sister Triangle’s Ladies’ Winter Retreat at the Temple Garden Mineral Spa in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on the weekend of February 22-24, 2019. We do more than soak in the pool; we enjoy the spa atmosphere, Moose Jaw’s quaint downtown, and spectacular gourmet meals. Come for a reunion with dear Christian friends or for the chance to make new ones. We will worship together throughout the weekend, and you will be encouraged by Janelle Ross, who will share stories from her life and the life of Jesus from the book of Matthew. Our theme is “Courage Daughter”, and I am certain you will leave feeling more like a courageous daughter of the King than you did before you arrived!

We already have 60 people registered for 2019, and I would love for you to join us for a weekend of fulfilling Sister Triangle’s motto of, “Encouraging One Another in Love”.  You can register online by going to Sister Triangle’s website or by clicking HERE.

Registration closes on January 14, 2019.

Have a very Merry Christmas and see you at Retreat in February!

God Bless,
Andrea Muirhead
Sister Triangle Retreat Coordinator




  1. Cara Olafson on February 18, 2019 at 3:11 pm

    I’m sad to be missing it this year, I love Janelle! She spoke at my first retreat, she’s an amazing speaker. Have fun girls, I hope to return some day.

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